Everyday Health Myths

You’ve probably heard one or many of these on any given day – here is Wingspan Health’s compilation of health myths. How many of these do you still believe?

  1. Eating carrots will help your eyesight.

  2. Drinking milk will make you taller.

  3. Cholesterol is bad.

  4. All fat is bad.

  5. Drink eight glasses of water per day.

  6. Walk 10,000 steps per day.

  7. Eating several small meals is better than three large ones, and eating three large meals is better than several small ones.

  8. Eating at night causes weight gain.

  9. Being cold causes a cold.

  10. Fresh vegetables are better and healthier than canned or frozen vegetables.

  11. Consuming enough Vitamin C will prevent colds.

  12. Egg whites are better than egg yolks.

  13. Eggs contribute to high cholesterol.

  14. Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.

  15. Detox to cleanse your body of toxins.

  16. Substitute refined sugar for brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar as healthier options.

  17. Spicy foods contribute to stomach ulcers.

  18. Supplements always make you healthier.

  19. Chewing gum stays in your stomach for years if you swallow it.

  20. Reading in the dark or sitting too close to the TV ruins your eyesight.

  21. Wait an hour after eating before you swim.


A Full Picture of Your Health

These health myths have one thing in common: they focus on just one piece of your health.

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