What are DNR orders?

The Gist

DNR means "Do Not Resuscitate."



Sometimes healthcare professionals aren't supposed to go to efforts to keep patients alive. DNR orders are written instructions from a doctor telling healthcare providers not to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). While this status is typically documented, in the heat of the moment the default is to actively resuscitate patients.


What Now?

Did you know many doctors and nurses are DNR by default? Why be DNR? Concerns about the quality of life, religious reasons, patients who know they are dying.


Too Long; Didn’t Read?

Check out our TikTok on DNR orders.


About Wingspan Health

Wingspan Health is a healthcare management tool that organizes your medical information in one place. We connect all your online doctor accounts in one place and help you make use of it. Our tool is currently accessible through our website and is free for all users.

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