Passive Passerby

 Your Patient Personality Traits

Perceptions of Healthcare

how you feel about healthcare


Patient Engagement

how you are as a patient


Personal Health

how you feel about your health

Passive Passerby.gif

You are the Passive Passerby patient.

You are skeptical when it comes to healthcare, because you know you need to advocate for yourself in order to get the best care. You are a reactive patient, you respond to what the doctor is telling you and do your best to implement their suggestions. You are anxious about your health because you are an optimizer. You’re thoughtful about what else you could be doing for your health.

Your true power is in your ability to handle whatever arises. Having more information about your health at your fingertips can boost your confidence and help you advocate for yourself. Consider organizing your health records (with Wingspan!) or taking notes the next time you visit the doctor.

Download your Patient Personality Type.

Woohoo! 🎉

Now you know what type of patient you are, get started with wingspan health to see a full picture of your health.

 Doesn’t sound like you?

Check out the other seven types of patient personalities or retake the quiz.


Logistic Fretter


Practical Analytical