Practical Analytical

Your Patient Personality Traits 

Perceptions of Healthcare

how you feel about healthcare


Patient Engagement

how you are as a patient


Personal Health

how you feel about your health

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You are the Practical Analytical patient.

You are trusting when it comes to healthcare because you believe doctors are here for you. You are a reactive patient, you respond to what the doctor is telling you and do your best to implement their suggestions. You are anxious about your health because you are an optimizer. You’re thoughtful about what else you could be doing for your health.

Your true power is wanting to do more for yourself when it comes to healthcare. You are capable of researching and finding more about your body. Feeling like you are navigating your appointments the right way may come easy if you prepare yourself for your next appointment by taking a look back at your health history, which can be organized with Wingspan!

Download your Patient Personality Type.

Woohoo! 🎉

Now you know what type of patient you are, get started with Wingspan to see a full picture of your health.

Doesn’t sound like you?

Check out the other seven types of patient personalities or retake the quiz.


Passive Passerby


Worried Warrior