Healthcare for Humans
A Blog by Wingspan Health
Discover more of our articles, lists, and tools to navigate healthcare.

Snake Oil & Snake Oil Supplements
Snake oil has often been referred to as a euphemism for deceptive marketing, healthcare fraud, or scam. However, the original snake oil actually worked.

Does BMI Matter?
BMI is a measurement invented in the early 1800s by a mathematician as a tool to talk about weight in the overall population - not individuals.

Diets Don’t Work
Diets can work for individuals and certainly for periods of time. However, when you analyze long-term weight loss studies, lost weight is regained.

What are SOGI fields?
SOGI is an acronym for sexual orientation and gender identity in the data fields in electronic health records.

Rare Diseases and Rare Disease Day
You may not have heard of any rare diseases in everyday conversations because they are *rare*.

Everyday Health Myths
You’ve probably heard one or many of these on any given day – here is Wingspan Health’s compilation of health myths. How of these do you still believe?

21 Different Types of Healthcare Facilities
Hospitals are just one of many places where you receive “healthcare.” Check out 20 other healthcare facilities.